We understand that any decision to join a multi- academy trust includes many different factors, and so we are available to support schools at each stage of the process. We work with leaders to identify where the Trust’s values and priorities align with those of your school. Our central team work with you to establish how academisation will benefit your school and will be there every step of the way to communicate with stakeholders.
At Hart Schools Trust we are keen to form partnerships with schools that share our community-focused, inclusive ethos. When deciding which schools we will work with, we are keen to test each opportunity against our agreed growth principles which can be found here
We are happy to meet with head teachers and governors of schools to discuss our academy trust and will work closely with you as we project manage any academy conversion using the resources in our central team.
If you would like to find out more information about the range of opportunities available to work with our trust, please contact Mark Lewis, CEO, via lewism@tas.herts.sch.uk or by calling 01438 344334.